Wednesday, May 25, 2011


* EVERY DEGENERATIVE DISEASE like Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Arthritis etc.  ALWAYS STARTS with CELL INFLAMMATION.”  That’s why OMEGA 3 and whole foods will ALWAYS PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN ITS CURE.       (

healthy red blood cell

a cancer cell among healthy red blood cells

a breast cancer cell
You have Stage I breast cancer if the following are true:

1)  Your tumor is no more than 2 cm (3/4 inch) in diameter.
2)  The cancer hasn't spread to your lymph nodes.
3)  The cancer hasn't spread outside your breast.

A Stage II breast tumor is larger than a stage I tumor, but the cancer hasn't spread to a distant part of your body. If your cancer is stage II, one of the following is true:

1)  Your tumor is 3/4 to 2 inches in diameter. The cancer may or   
     may not have spread to your underarm (axillary) lymph nodes.
2)  Your tumor is more than 2 inches in diameter, but the cancer
     hasn't spread to your axillary lymph nodes (A).
3)  Your tumor is less than 3/4 inch in diameter, but the cancer has
     spread to no more than three of your axillary lymph nodes (B).
4)  No tumor is found in the breast, but breast cancer cells are
    detected in no more than three of your axillary lymph nodes. 

If you have Stage III breast cancer, known as locally or regionally advanced cancer, your cancer may have spread to lymph nodes near your breast — those located under your arm or by your collarbone — but not to more-distant parts of your body. Here are some examples:

1)  You may have a tumor that's larger than 5 cm/2 inches, with
     cancer cells that have spread to your axillary lymph nodes.
     However, the nodes aren't attached to one another (A).
2)  Your tumor is smaller than 2 inches, but the cancer has spread
     into nearby lymph nodes and the nodes are growing into each
     other or the surrounding tissue (stroma).
3)  Your tumor is smaller than 2 inches, but the cancer has spread
      to the lymph nodes above your collarbone (B).

Stage IV is the most advanced form of breast cancer. At this stage, breast cancer cells have spread to other areas of your body,
such as bones, organs or lymph nodes far from your breast. Stage IV breast cancer is also called Metastatic Breast Cancer.

Stages of Prostate Cancer (for men)

Cancer, one of the most dreaded diseases in the 21st century.  Global Healing Center even declares that 1 in every 3 people will contract cancer; and 1 in 4 will die from it.  Despite the advancement in technology, doctors and medical experts seem clueless in battling this wildfire called cancer.  Or are they? 

As early as wars were fought among men, we all know that knowing your enemy and knowing the battlefield (the environment) means you already won half the war.  But it seems doctors are oblivious about this or they just want the more profitable way of "fighting" it.      (the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer) 

(the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer) 

Every man and woman alive has cancer cells in their bodies.  Like our healthy cells, these "abnormal cells" also occur regularly inside our bodies.  But most of us do not know this nor feel the pain "cancer" sufferers endure because our immune system, the built in mechanism in our bodies responsible for fighting diseases, viruses, pathogens and tumors, destroy them before they go out of control.  However, as humans grow and live through life we tend to get used to things that "Tilts" (harboring negative emotions, being in a hazardous workplace, eating unhealthy foods, lack of time to inhale fresh air...) the balance of holistic living and "Disrupt" our immune system by weakening it.  With the balance gone and a weakened immune system, new cancer cells would run "freely" inside the body resulting in "cancer" disease.  (the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer) 
Cancer is caused by a weaken immune system, which is the human body’s natural defence system and it’s been weaken by the way we live.  In other words, WHAT CAUSES CANCER ARE THE THINGS THAT WE GET OURSELVES USED TO.  NOTE THAT we don’t have a drug to boost the immune system SO THE ONLY WAY TO CURE the cancer problem SUCCESSFULLY is a natural way and that is to eat the foods that boost the immune system and remove from your lifestyle factors that weaken the immune system. (
(the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer)    

EMOTION and CANCER - - - the link

Cancer and Emotion Link

YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK!  A MAN WILL EVENTUALLY BECOME WHAT HE OFTEN SAYS TO HIMSELF.  These 2 Maxims speaks how Powerful the human MIND and EMOTION in the lives of men.

The renowned guru Brian Tracy even once said, "THE 2 ESSENTIAL FACTORS THAT DETERMINES YOUR LIFE MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE are: What You Think about and How You Think about it Most of the Time.   (the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer) 

(the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer) 

Many do not know but a silent health threat for men lurks in the form of negative emotions. Our frame of mind, whether dealing with stress, depression, loneliness, anger, jealousy or unhappiness, can seriously impact the state of our health. As we go through life we don’t always realize the pattern we are creating thru our habits, as well as its consequences. Like any bad habit, we begin to adapt to being continuously sad, irritable, angry, keep grudges, stressed out, shoulder the burden of others or unhappy and the health implications may go un-noticed until we begin to feel the physical affects.   (the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer) 
Every bad habit chips away at our ability to live with good health and good mindsets. As with any type of bad habit that you’ve tried to break in the past, being consumed with negativity is very difficult to correct. It can be done, though. First you’ve got to be aware that this is what is happening, then you’ve got to develop coping skills and new tools to manage your emotional state.   (the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer)  
H-A-B-I-T  therefore, is a killer if we wallow in the wrong ones.  And the thing is, IT IS VERY HARD to GET RID OF SUCH.  Let us spell the word H-A-B-I-T.   If you take the letter "H", you still have "a bit."  You take the letters "H and A", you still have a "bit" (of it).  You take the "H, A and B", YOU STILL HAVE IT!!! 

Ergo, if we are to get ourselves used to something.  We must make sure it is something good for us and for others.  Otherwise, our lives are gonna spiral out of control in one aspect or another.  (the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer) 

According to, the following are typical personality traits found in those with cancer: 

1. Being highly conscientious, caring, dutiful, responsible, hard-working, and usually of above average intelligence. 

2. Exhibits a strong tendency toward carrying other people's burdens and toward taking on extra obligations, and often "worrying for others." 

3. Having a deep-seated need to make others happy. Being a "people pleaser" with a great need for approval. 

4. Often lacking closeness with one or both parents, which sometimes, later in life, results in lack of closeness with spouse or others who would normally be close.
5. Harbours long-suppressed toxic emotions, such as anger, resentment and/or hostility. The cancer-susceptible individual typically internalizes such emotions and has great difficulty expressing them. 
6. Reacts adversely to stress, and often becomes unable to cope adequately with such stress. Usually experiences an especially damaging event about 2 years before the onset of detectable cancer. The patient is not able to cope with this traumatic event or series of events, which comes as a "last straw" on top of years of suppressed reactions to stress.

7. Has an inability to resolve deep-seated emotional problems and conflicts, usually beginning in childhood, often even being unaware of their presence. 
It is very common for those with cancer to have a long-standing tendency to suppress "toxic emotions", particularly anger. Usually beginning in childhood, this individual has held in their hostility and other unacceptable emotions.  
(the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer) answers the questions: How does emotional stress cause cancer in the body? And why does emotional stress only cause cancer in some people, while not in others? 
Majority of people, coping with stress and highly stressful or traumatic events or conflicts is dealt with, with relative ease.  They see it as part of life's ups and downs.  These people are able to move on with their lives quickly afterwards. 

Those susceptible to "cancer," are highly vulnerable to life’s stresses and trauma, and feel unable to cope when life throws a curve-ball their way. These people live in fear of conflict, stress, trauma and loss and are deeply frightened of negative events “happening” to them. And when faced with a highly stressful or traumatic event, react adversely and are unable to cope.
They experience "inescapable shock" and remain deeply affected by the experience. They have difficulty in expressing their inner grief, their inner pain, their inner anger or resentment, and genuinely feel there is no way out of the pain they are feeling inside. And because their mind cannot fathom what has happened, and remains in a state of disbelief or denial, these inner painful feelings are continually perpetuated, shooting up stress hormone levels, lowering Melatonin and Adrenaline levels, causing a slow breakdown of the emotional reflex centre in the brain, and creating the beginning of cancer progression in the body.
When faced with a major trauma, the cancer personality feels trapped and unable to escape from the memory of the traumatic experience and the painful feelings of the experience. Stress hormone Cortisol levels skyrocket and remain at high levels, directly suppressing the immune system, whose job it is to destroy cancer cells that exist in every human being. High stress levels generally means a person cannot sleep well, and cannot produce enough Melatonin during deep sleep. Melatonin is responsible for inhibiting cancer cell growth. This means cancer cells are now free to multiply. Adrenaline levels also skyrocket initially, but are then drained and depleted over time. This is especially bad news for the cancer personality. 

Adrenaline is responsible for transporting sugar away from cells. And when there is too much sugar in cells of the body, the body becomes acidic. This means normal body cells cannot breathe properly because of low oxygen. Cancer cells thrive in a low oxygen state, as demonstrated by Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg. Cancer cells also thrive on sugar to keep them alive. Put simply, too much internal stress causes a depletion of adrenalin, leads to too much sugar in the body, resulting in the perfect environment for cancer cells to thrive in the body.

For the cancer personality, the news of being diagnosed with cancer and the fear and uncertainty of death represents another Inescapable Shock, creating another spike in stress hormone cortisol levels, and a further drop in melatonin and adrenalin levels. There is also a further breakdown of the emotional reflex centre in the brain that causes cells in the corresponding organ to slowly breakdown and become cancerous.

Cancer occurs at the cellular level. And there are a number of factors that create stress on the body’s cells, causing them to become (1) depleted of adrenaline, (2) high in sugar and (3) low in oxygen, where they are more prone to mutate and become cancerous. The higher the sugar content of the cell caused by a depletion of adrenaline, and the lower the oxygen content, the greater the likelihood of normal cells mutating and becoming cancerous.

There are a number of factors that contribute to a normal cell becoming depleted of adrenaline, high in sugar and low in oxygen. Physiological stresses include: Poor nutrition, exposure to toxic chemicals, radiation, lack of exercise, etc. Psychological stresses include: supressed feelings, depression, isolation, emotional trauma, external conflict, poor sleep etc.

In the vast majority of those with cancer, there exists both a combination of psychological as well as physiological stresses that have contributed to the body’s cells becoming depleted of adrenaline, high in sugar and low in oxygen, causing them to mutate and become cancerous.


  (the Truth about Cancer / Facts on Cancer)

(the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer)

A pH Scale is a set of values usually given as 1 to 14, where 1 is very acidic, 7 is neutral, and 14 is very alkaline.

Human blood pH should be SLIGHTLY ALKALINE (7.35 - 7.45).  Below or above this range means symptoms and disease.  A pH of 7.0 is neutral.  A pH below 7.0 is acidic.  A pH above 7.0 is alkaline.  
(the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer) 

Our Cells as well as Our Immune System flourishes in an Alkaline Environment. 

Other Acid Forming foods / drinks that we consume regularly are: corn syrup, sugar, beer (which has a pH of 2.5), hard liquor, spirits, wine, Catsup, cocoa, coffee (has a pH of 4), softdrinks (cola has a pH of 2), pepper, vinegar, aspirin, medicinal drugs.  BUT NOTE that although it might seem that citrus fruits would have an acidifying effect on the body, the citric acid they contain actually has an alkalinizing effect in the system.  

Note that a food's acid or alkaline forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself. For example, lemons are very acidic, however the end products they produce after digestion and assimilation are very alkaline so, lemons are alkaline forming in the body. Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion, but it leaves very acidic residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is very acid forming. ( Acid has a pH of about 1.  See how close soda and battery acid are?  But we still love them don't we?   (the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer)
In general, An acidic pH results from consuming Meat / Foods High in Fat, Salty foods, Sugary products, Softdrinks, Liquor, Coffee, Medicinal drugs (w/c are acid-forming), Fluoride, Artificial Sweeteners, Preservatives, Stress, Anger, Keeping Grudges, Worry, Depression, Carrying other people’s problems, Emotional Problems, Mental and physical Trauma Lack of Fresh Air, Smoking or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen and other nutrientsCancer cells won’t last when the body absorption of oxygen is high because unlike normal cells which survive by a process of Aerobiosis (life in the presence of oxygen) cancer cells survive by a process of Anaerobiosis (life in the absence of oxygen).  (the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer)
An acidic balance will decrease the body's ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients, decrease the body’s ability to repair damaged cells, decrease it's ability to detoxify heavy metals, make TUMOR cells thrive, and make it more susceptible to fatigue and illness.  


There are 3 different types of Genes that are important in making a cell cancerous:
Healthy cells follow a life cycle of growth, division and death.   Like leaves on a tree, old cells die off and are replaced by an equal number of healthy cells.  Cancer develops when old cells refuse to die, but keep growing, dividing, and building up in one place – creating a TUMOR (
(the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer)

Genes that encourage the cell to multiply       (ONCOGENES)

     Some genes encourage cells to multiply or 'double'. Normally, in adults, this would not happen very often. Cells would only multiply to repair damage, for example after a wound or operation.  BUT if these genes become abnormal, they tell the cell to multiply all the time.
(the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer)

Genes that stop the cell multiplying       (TUMOUR SUPPRESOR GENES)

     Some genes are in the cell specifically to stop the cell doubling. If one of these 'tumour suppressor genes' becomes damaged and stops working, then the cell may carry on and on multiplying. In other words, it becomes immortal, which is one of the properties of a cancer cell.
(the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer)

Genes that repair other damaged genes       (DNA REPAIR GENES)    

These genes normally repair any damage to the DNA that makes up the cell's genes. If these DNA repair genes are damaged, then other mutations are not repaired and the cell can copy the mutations into its daughter cells. These genes have been found to be damaged in some human cancers, including bowel cancer. (    

SUGAR (insulin) and CANCER


the Connection


Do you know one of the worst foods (people eat everyday) that supports the growth of cancer cells?

“It’s SUGAR / SWEETS!”    
Why is blood sugar so important for your body? For Energy.  Glucose / Blood sugar when reacted together with oxygen provides the body with energy (however some would say it not glucose but fats or fat byproduct that gives energy to the body together with oxygen).   
(the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer)

How is glucose and oxygen absorbed into the body and transported to cells?

Energy is made from oxygen and glucose, when reacted together. Oxygen enters the body via the respiratory system and glucose enters through the digestive system. These two systems link as they both provide the formulae for energy. When glucose and oxygen are both in the body, the cardiovascular transports it via blood to the place in which it is needed in the body, for example the muscles. This is also links with the digestive and respiratory system as it provides the transportation of the energy. 

Be Smart About Sugar in Your Diet
They say “Sugar feeds cancer.”  There is some color of truth to that But it is not that simple.  Sugar feeds every cell in the body, including cancer cells.  All of our cells need glucose (blood sugar) for energy BUT cancer cells consume as much as 4 to 5 times more glucose than normal, healthy cells.  In fact, they're unable to multiply rapidly without it.  Nikola Tesla, who was not even a doctor correctly concluded thus: ""It's pretty easy to figure that the cells that are dividing (multiplying) the fastest have the highest requirement for energy (to sustain such accelerated growth)." Most doctors are not nutritionists, so they're either unaware of the link between sugar and cancer, or they simply neglect to mention it to their patients.  If someone you care about is fighting cancer, don't assume they've heard about this important nutritional detail.  ( 
The truth is that Sugar does not directly “feeds” cancer and that we have to understand the relationship between sugar, insulin and cancer ( 

Insulin Basics
Insulin is a protein hormone produced in your body. After eating any kind of carbohydrate (found in desserts, sweetened drinks, fruits, milk, grains and starchy vegetables), the pancreas produces insulin to move glucose (blood sugar) from the blood into cells all over the body. Glucose is what gives our cells energy to work; they cannot function without it.

If the cells do not respond to insulin, then the pancreas compensates by making even more insulin in order to force the cells to respond. As time goes on, it can take more and more insulin for the cells to take in glucose. In many undiagnosed pre-diabetes cases, blood sugars can measure normal but insulin levels are high.

The problem with sugar is when we eat the not so healthy sugar foods like sodas, sweet tea, cakes, cookies and fruit flavored drinks. High sugar foods are absorbed quickly and cause insulin to rise quickly. This 'spike' results in cells using the sugar for energy or storing it as fat.

When someone consumes excessive amounts of empty calories, the fat builds up and insulin resistance can occur which increases risk of pre-diabetes, diabetes and cancer.

Types of Sugar
The type of carbohydrate consumed makes a big difference when it comes to insulin response. By choosing healthy carbohydrates, like whole grains, low-fat milk, whole fruits and vegetables, you can avoid an insulin spike because these foods come with other nutrients like fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that assist the body in metabolizing the food.  

Bad sugars also known as Simple Sugars are those in foods that do not offer any other nutritional benefit.  Examples are softdrinks, sweets, sugar cereals, juice drinks etc.   

Good sugars or Complex Carbohydrates are present in foods that provide nutrients; examples include foods like fruit, vegetables, beans, and whole grains.  (

The Bottom Line
Your choices in carbohydrates and sugars can make a big difference in the health of your body. Switch to whole grain breads, cereals, rice and pasta along with eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. And when you choose a beverage, pick one that's not sweetened with any forms of sugar.

There are several recent research studies that show people with cancer who have high blood glucose levels have shorter survival times.   Cancer Cells make their energy burning this glucose in the absence of oxygenPeople with cancer have lowered blood levels of oxygen; which is why exercise and oxygen generating complementary therapies can be so helpful.   (
(the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer)

Sugar provides energy, but doesn't give you any nutrients that are needed to reduce your cancer risk.  Natural sugars are in fruits and vegetables – they should be part of a healthy diet. Processed sugars such as white or brown sugar and corn syrup should be avoided or limited.  (
(the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer)


Do you know what's the NATURAL ENEMY of CANCER CELLS?


Cancer cells won’t last when the body absorption of oxygen is high because unlike normal cells which survive by a process of Aerobiosis (life in the presence of oxygen) cancer cells survive by a process of Anaerobiosis (life in the absence of oxygen) - this was discovered by Dr. Otto Warburg,   a German biochemist, in 1931.   Thus, Having a good level of oxygen in your blood and cells helps prevent cancer.   
(the Truth About Cancer / Facts About Cancer)

How to Increase Oxygen in the Blood

a)  Consume foods high in antioxidants. Antioxidants help your body utilize oxygen more efficiently by dilating your blood vessels, enabling blood to release more oxygen to your different tissues.

b)  Breathe fresh air.

c)  Eat foods high in Vitamin F (essential fatty acids).  This vitamin increases the oxygen holding capacity of the hemoglobin (the chemical  that holds oxygen) in your red blood cells.

d)  Exercise frequently.  Exercising increases your heart's capacity to pump more blood into your lungs, enabling more oxygen to be distributed to your tissues.

Making the Body more Alkaline is Crucial in Fighting Cancer


Our Cells as well as Our Immune System flourishes in an Alkaline Environment because of Beneficial Bacteria.  The gut is known to contain about 800 different strains of bacteria.  Over thousands of years, they have come to work best in an environment of a certain acidity.  Increase that and they just won´t work as well.  It is like a chemical reaction. 

We have stopped feeding them their favourite foods - fibrous whole foods, whole grains, green vegetables.  Instead, we eat too much salt or drink too much alcohol that increases the gut acidity.  As does meat, as does stress and emotional problems.

Then to make matters worse, we feed their enemies - we eat too much sugar and dairy.  Which are also the favourite food of a cancer cell.   (

To maintain health, the diet should consist of 60% alkaline forming foods and 40% acid forming foods.  To restore health, the diet should consist of 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods.

Generally, Alkaline forming foods include: most fruits, green vegetables, peas, beans, lentils, spices, herbs and seasonings, and seeds and nuts.


(This is IT!)

IN ORDER TO STOP Cancer growth YOU MUST:   
  • Change the body to an Alkaline State by changing the things you have gotten yourself used to, including your thought-life; 
  • Provide high levels of Oxygen to the tissues and eat foods high with anti-oxidants (high in ORAC Value);
  • Cut off (lessen) the supply of glucose to the tumor;
  • Take in Selenium rich foods;
  • Take more Natural / Alkaline Vitamin C into the body, plus Vitamin A & E.  People suffering from cancer have depleted vitamin C in the body.  These vitamins are the safest off all. 

SELENIUM and Cancer - what you were not told about.

SELENIUM and Cancer - what you were not told about.


Selenium is a mineral that, although only needed in small amounts (a maximum daily level should not exceed more than 200 micrograms/day NOT milligram - BUT EVEN THEN Not many people get the recommended dose), is said to protect the body against some of the major diseases.

Selenium teams with vitamin E to protect cells from damage, slowing down the aging process, helping the body resist infection, and protecting the body against toxic materials such as cigarette smoke. 
It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent to combat conditions such as arthritis.  And take NOTE that all diseases STARTS with INFLAMMATION OF THE CELLS (Christiane Northrup, M.D., author of the best-selling Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, and Mother-Daughter Wisdom) THAT IS WHY ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS such as OMEGA 3 are CRUCIAL in THE FIGHT OF DEGENERATIVE DISEASES such as Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes etc.

Selenium Rich Foods List
ug (units)
Brazil Nuts
up to 1500
Wheat germ
up to 300
Brewers Yeast
up to 260

You'll find selenium in many grains, nuts, and vegetables.

Brazil Nuts

According to research, there is a greater risk of heart disease and cancer (specifically breast and skin cancers) if you are deficient in selenium. Deficiency may also lead to a lowering of resistance against disease.  (
Selenium was first used as a treatment for dandruff.  Today, research shows selenium, especially when used in conjunction with vitamin C, vitamin E and  beta-carotene
(note: Vitamin A and beta-carotene are not the same; when the latter will be processed by our body that's the time it'll become vitamin A), works to block chemical reactions that create  free radicals in the body (which can damage DNA and cause degenerative change in cells, leading to cancer). 
In the book,  A Physician's Guide to Natural Health Products That Work, it was found out that,
Selenium acts to prevent tumors from developing. "It contributes towards the death of cancerous and pre-cancer cells. Their death appears to occur before they replicate, thus helping stop cancer before it gets started,"   In addition to preventing the onset of the disease, selenium has also been shown to aid in slowing cancer's progression in patients that already have it.
A 1996 study by Dr. Larry Clark of the University of Arizona showed just how effective selenium can be in protecting against cancer. In the study of 1,300 older people, the occurrence of cancer among those who took 200 micrograms of selenium daily for about seven years was reduced by 42% compared to those given a placebo. Cancer deaths for those taking the selenium were cut almost in half, according to the study that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.    

The safest antioxidants are vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and beta-carotene. Together, they block the chemical reactions that create free radicals, which can damage DNA and promote a variety of degenerative changes in cells. Chemotherapy and radiation generate free radicals; that is how they kill dividing cells. 

Selenium is needed to produce glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme that protects the body from free radical damage.   

The patients receiving selenium had a 67% decrease in cancer of the prostate, a 58 % decrease in colon or rectal cancer and a 45% decrease in lung cancer. This suggests that possibly up to 100,000 lives a year might be saved in the USA by the simple addition of selenium to the diet. A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By James Howenstine MD, page 149