Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Making the Body more Alkaline is Crucial in Fighting Cancer


Our Cells as well as Our Immune System flourishes in an Alkaline Environment because of Beneficial Bacteria.  The gut is known to contain about 800 different strains of bacteria.  Over thousands of years, they have come to work best in an environment of a certain acidity.  Increase that and they just won´t work as well.  It is like a chemical reaction. 

We have stopped feeding them their favourite foods - fibrous whole foods, whole grains, green vegetables.  Instead, we eat too much salt or drink too much alcohol that increases the gut acidity.  As does meat, as does stress and emotional problems.

Then to make matters worse, we feed their enemies - we eat too much sugar and dairy.  Which are also the favourite food of a cancer cell.   (

To maintain health, the diet should consist of 60% alkaline forming foods and 40% acid forming foods.  To restore health, the diet should consist of 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods.

Generally, Alkaline forming foods include: most fruits, green vegetables, peas, beans, lentils, spices, herbs and seasonings, and seeds and nuts.

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