Wednesday, May 25, 2011


MILA - the Miracle Grain

Now the Richest & Safest Source of Omega 3 EFAs
Omega 3, 6 & 9   -   3,000 mg per serving
Omega-3 = 2,000mg     Omega-6 = 667mg     Omega-9 = 267mg / 10 gram
(700% MORE OMEGA-3’s  than  salmon)
 (richest known plant source of Omega-3’s even greater than  flaxseed)

500% MORE CALCIUM than milk
 *  200% MORE IRON than spinach
*  100% MORE POTASSIUM than bananas
*  1400% MORE MAGNESIUM than broccoli
*  100% MORE FIBER than bran flakes
       -  Highest Quality of Fiber – 5 gm per serving
*  500% MORE PROTEIN than kidney beans
*  300% MORE SELENIUM than flax seed
*  800% MORE PHOSPHORUS than whole milk
*  PHYTONUTRIENTS - 935 mg LIGNANS per serving

  •    According to research published in the "European Journal of Cancer Prevention" it has determined that LIGNANS ingestion can serve to reduce the risk of breast cancer. The study tracked pre-menopausal women and found that by ramping up her intake of lignans, a woman could reduce her breast-cancer risk by as much as 78%.   
  •     Lignans decreases the risk of prostate cancer
MORE ANTIOXIDANTS than blueberries (some of the most potent of these are: quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin)
  • 844 ORAC level (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) a way to measure the level of antioxidant protection capacity of a product or food. If a product has a high ORAC value it has the ability to neutralize many free radicals.
  • Cancer cells won’t last when the body absorption of oxygen is high because unlike normal cells which survive by a process of aerobiosis (life in the presence of oxygen) cancer cells survive by a process of anaerobiosis (life in the absence of oxygen) - this was discovered by Dr. Otto Warburg,   a German biochemist, in 1931.  
  • It is recommended that we have an intake of between 3,000 and 5,000 ORAC units per day

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